Well, I've got a just a few days until the big race! Apologies for the lack of posts lately. I've been busy training and fundraising. My biggest news is that I met my fundraising goal of $4,200! Wow! That's a lot of money. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Also, it's not too late to make a donation if you still wish to do so (http://pages.teamintraining.org/nca/anttry09/kdeason)
My team has been through a lot these past weeks - we had a "practice triathlon" a few weeks back, although we didn't swim because the water was waaaaay too cold. Instead, we practiced putting our wetsuits on and off (harder than you think!), and then battled huge hills and hurricane-force winds (it felt like it anyway) on the bike. Several times I felt like I was going to blown over.
Trying on our new wetsuits in the pre-dawn light (did I mention this practice tri was at 7 am?? Somehow I managed to drag myself out of bed for it)
The next weekend we biked for 2 hours in the pouring rain at Prince William Forest Park in Virginia. Brrrr..... Luckily this past Saturday we were rewarded with some nice spring weather and sunshine for our last group workout. We also had a team "Bon Voyage" picnic, where we got our new Team in Training uniforms (see below, don't we look sharp??)
I am leaving for Florida tomorrow morning, and then have two days to relax and prepare for the race before the big day on Sunday. Wish me luck!!!
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